Staying Mentally Happy During Covid


Whether you’re the type of person who always wants to be doing activities and keeping up with friends, or the kind who prefers to keep to themselves, these trying times of the pandemic have affected everyone. With the lack of things to do, how are we supposed to stay healthy with so many less options?

Here are ten things you should be doing on a daily basis to stay healthy in quarantine!

Get Out Of Bed

There’s plenty of things you can do, but none of it is possible unless you actually start your day. Sleeping until noon and then staying up super late into the night makes you tired and unmotivated throughout the day. The first thing you should be doing is waking up and having a healthy breakfast so you can start your day right!

Stay Active

African family bonding in the park

This doesn’t have to mean having a full workout everyday- staying active doesn’t even have to require any intentional effort depending on what you do. It can be as small as going for a 10 minute walk with your family dog every morning. It is so important to stay active and move around consistently to keep your body and mind in working condition.

Stay Connected 

Even though we may not be able to visit each other like we used to, it’s important to stay connected with friends and family in any way you can. Maybe drop off a small present at someone’s house in this season of giving or give someone a phone call that you haven’t heard from in a while. 

Get Outside

There may be nowhere to go if all your local shops and restaurants are closed, however there are other options. Why not look at this pandemic as an opportunity to go outside, go sledding or maybe build a snowman with your family? Sometimes it can be nice to reconnect with love ones and nature. Anything to get your daily intake of fresh air will make a world of difference!

Eat Better 

Through the repetitiveness of these past few weeks and the next couple months to come, it can be easy to forget to treat your body how it deserves to be treated. Making sure to still eat enough meals a day and eat a variety of foods (yes, that means every food group, even greens), is crucial! It can still be delicious even if it’s not chocolate.

Simply Drink More Water

Yes that’s right, just simply drink water. As easy as it sounds, you’d be surprised how often it is forgotten. This is hands down the most important part of your diet and needs to be remembered every single day. Treat yourself better!

Start A Project 

Whether it is a personal project- such as writing a book, or one for the whole family, it’s good to have something that can keep progressing so you have something to look forward to. Putting up Christmas lights/decorations all throughout your home is a great project for the holiday season that can get everyone up on their feet.

Stay Off Your Cell Phone

As tempting as it can be to just scroll away on your phone all day, it’s only going to make you more tired and make your eyes hurt. You’ll more than likely become inactive and build a not-so-good habit. A better thing to do would be to revisit an old game you haven’t played in a while, learn an instrument or another useful skill. Sometimes a good old game of Monopoly or a few rounds of cards is what’s needed.

Spend Time With People You Love

Through these hard times its important to spend time with your household family, FaceTime your other relatives and friends, and chat on a daily basis to lift each other’s spirits up!

Don’t Over Do It

Covid-19 is something that the world has never seen before. Nobody really knows what to do. You can’t let the stress overwhelm you and take control of your mental health. Whatever happens will happen, and you just have to go along with it as best as you can. Nothing turns out perfect, so with that being said, there’s no point in trying to tackle all that pressure by yourself. Just relax a little bit, treat yourself every now and then and try your best to think positively.

Published by Keaten Vale,

Instagram: Keatenv6